The Challenge
Gaining instant visibility of what's going on in the world of projects is a key objectives for any organisation, regardless of size, sector or use case.
We help you create the reporting and data analytics capabilities that will enable a data driven culture.
How we help
Delivering excellent reporting is a key focus of ours - this is where a lot of your return on investment is being gained. This is reflected in the wide range of offerings we have in this space, including:
Implementation of Power BI reports and dashboards, from Microsoft's own standard content packs to personalised dashboards reflecting your own specific data model, based on our ready-made templates
Automated snapshotting of key data sets for rich historical trend reporting
Data warehousing solutions
Training for your own report authors - find out more

The Result
For most of our customers the instant visibility of data with reports and dashboards that can be produced instantly is a revelation. It helps to save hundreds of man hours previously spent manually collating, aggregating and distributing reports. There is huge benefit in information being available on request - rather than being published periodically and already out of date by the time it is read. Better decision making and much improved engagement of stakeholders at all levels can be the result.
Nottingham Trent University ICT PMO experienced great success with our Project Status Report add-in combined with Power BI - see our recent case study.
Watch this webinar for a discussion of Power BI capabilities and typical PPM dashboards we deliver out of the box with Power Framework, our PPM Solution on the Microsoft Power Platform.
I’ve got Power BI on my phone and I love it.
I can tell the CEO exactly what’s going on without having to chase anyone.
The information helps with challenging my directors, exposing inaccurate project forecasting and highlighting any skills shortfalls that need to be addressed.
Andrew Clarke, CIO