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West Yorkshire Combined Authority: Regional Development Transformed
Challenge: West Yorkshire Combined Authority ("the CA") are currently investing around £2 billion, working in close partnership with...

Nottingham Trent University: PMO Transformed
Challenge: At Nottingham Trent, IS Project Managers are responsible not just for technology related projects but also for web and...

Cardiff University: Establishing a Multi-Disciplinary PMO
Challenge: Prior to bringing in Program Framework to support their migration to Microsoft Project Online the IT environment within...

Plymouth City Council: Transparency for Capital Projects
Challenge: At Plymouth City Council, Capital Projects cover a wide range of areas such as Education, Transport, Housing, Economic, Care...

Parliamentary Estate Directorate: Transforming Estate Maintenance Governance
Challenge: The Parliamentary Estate Directorate manages, maintains and develops the Parliamentary Estate to meet the accommodation needs...

Surrey Police: Enabling Project Assurance
Surrey Police is committed to providing the best possible policing service to the people of Surrey, which includes driving improved...

Lincolnshire County Council: Enhancing and Supporting PPM
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) serves the fourth largest county in England, famous for its agriculture, coastal areas and historic...

Plymouth City Council: Modernising IT Project Processes
Plymouth City Council’s ICT department is leading the way in improving efficiency and resources in a local authority charged with making...

Sunderland City Council: Planning Platform for IT Projects
In common with all local authorities, Sunderland City Council is publicly accountable for every penny it spends. It has to be seen to be...

Dept. of Health: Ambulance Radio Programme enabled
Clear communication is crucial, which is why the Department of Health has embarked on a £390 million programme to replace outdated...
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