Portfolio Management
Optimise your project investment

The Challenge
Identifying and selecting the right projects that deliver the best value for your organisation is complex:
Your organisation has a significant annual project portfolio spend across multiple corporate functional departments and business units
There is no mature process in place for prioritizing projects and managing their execution
This means duplication of effort, lack of alignment to enterprise strategy and poor execution due to the number of projects taken on
There is no means for assessing the strategic impact of projects and limited information on their return on investment
How we help
We will work with you to develop a portfolio optimization process which will assess the strategic value of significant project proposals. Projects are aligned to strategic business drivers and "What If" Portfolio Analytics functionality deployed to model a variety of portfolio selection scenarios. These can be presented to the executive board to support rational decision making.

Portfolio modelling and 'what if' analysis on the Microsoft Power Platform

The Result
Executive portfolio discussions are more productive, with increased buy-in to portfolio selection. Increased rigour in aligning major projects to the strategic objectives of your organisation means reduced wastage of precious resources and accelerated attainment of your strategic goals.
Our experience of enabling organisations in diverse sectors and industries is unsurpassed - please see our Case Studies to find out more.